20th & 21st November 2024 in Hamburg

Service Summit Day One

Service Summit Day One

The program of the first day of the Service Summit on 20st November 2024.

Service Summit Day Two

Service Summit Day Two

The program of the second day of the Service Summit on 21st November 2024.

20th November 2024 Service Summit Day One

  1. 08:30

    08:30 Entry

    The doors open at 8:30 am - so you can start networking over your first coffee or find yourself a good seat

  1. 09:15
  2. 09:30

    A story of falling down and getting up again - Why the S.OLIVER GROUP had to rethink its customer service and how it wants to win back what it has lost

    The family company has faced a number of challenges in recent years that have severely impacted its customers. With determination, interdisciplinary collaboration and the right technology, the group is fighting its way back bit by bit.

  3. 10:00

    Coffee break

    Make new contacts with visitors of the Service Summit

  4. 10:30
  5. 11:00
    Panel discussion

    Expert Panel digitalisation in customer service

    Which digital tools do successful customer service leaders use in their companies and how do modern digital processes work?

  6. 11:45
    Panel discussion

    Omni-channel customer service experience

    The skilful linking of different communication channels for smooth and consistent interaction with customers. What exciting challenges and opportunities do these channels present?


    Sarah Rojewski Sarah Rojewski  
  1. Presentation

    09:30 Digital Queue for 100% handled calls in Servicecenters

    The digital waiting loop uses behavioural science and offers alternatives to hanging up and redialling for the first time with the optimal IVR dialogue. Callers decide between appointment callbacks, virtual and voluntary waiting. The software (SaaS) thus reduces the costs for availability by up to 85% while improving key figures and measurably increasing customer and employee satisfaction. Only two days of integration. The software requires no IT interface and is compatible with any telephone system and ACD.

  2. Presentation

    10:00 Diabolocom Masterclasses

    Staff shortages remain a key issue in the contact centre industry, whether it's finding or retaining new talent. But what do you do if you can't find a suitable candidate? In our presentation, we will take a close look at internal processes and show how you can increase the efficiency of your customer service with Diabolocom through innovative automation processes. These automations relieve your team of routine tasks, leaving them more time to focus on what really matters: people. Staff shortages don't have to be an obstacle - with the right measures and automation, you can make your customer service future-proof and more efficient.

  3. Presentation

    10:30 Scaling and customer satisfaction in harmony: How Cargoboard expanded its support from 10 to 800 calls per day with Aircall


    10:45 Huawei Masterclasses

  5. Presentation

    11:00 Customer Service at the highest level - the Freshworks benchmark report reveals the secrets

    In today's fast-paced world, where customer expectations are rising and leaders need to do more with less, excellent customer service means staying ahead of trends and adapting quickly. The Freshworks Customer Service Benchmark Report provides key insights into:

    - The impact of generative AI on the customer experience
    - Key KPIs to evaluate your customer service performance
    - How conversational support creates delight
    - The best channels for seamless support

    If you'd like to see how your organisation compares to industry standards, we'd love to hear from you!

  6. Presentation

    11:30 CX in 2027

    AI is having a significant impact on shaping the future of CX. In this masterclass, we discuss how this new technology will impact consumers and businesses. We'll also take a look at how AI can enhance the capabilities of agents, administrators, CX leaders and customers. 

  7. Presentation

    12:00 AI in service management

    In the field of service management, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in
    optimising processes and increasing efficiency. AI-based solutions enable companies to better plan
    their field service staff, deploy resources more effectively and improve the quality of the services
    provided. In this presentation, we will discuss the benefits, challenges and future prospects of AI-
    based technologies that can support companies in optimising deployment and route planning, for

  8. Presentation

    12:15 AI in action: practical applications and AI Agent Assist at a glance

    In this presentation, we will provide an exciting high-level overview of the latest developments in AI in the field of customer service in recent months, then reveal how we use AI to support our employees in their daily work - and present an impressive use case live. Be curious!

  1. 12:30

    12:30 Lunch break

  1. 14:00

    Service Summit Startup Awards Part 1

    You will see innovative startups presenting their clever new solutions in the costumer service. The best three will receive a Service Summit Startup Award – you decide!

  2. 14:45
    Panel discussion

    Customer loyalty in customer service

    How can outstanding customer loyalty be created? Through digital innovations or through the emotional element in customer service?

  1. Presentation

    13:30 Next-gen AI to enhance customer service experience. What, Why and How?

    In this workshop, we will discuss the options enterprises have today for adopting AI in-house versus relying on application vendors and providers. We will explain the underlying technical concepts of AI chat assistants and AI search, and outline the challenges of advancing beyond the prototype stage when implementing these AI applications — especially when the underlying knowledge base is constantly evolving. Lastly, we will show how to overcome these challenges.

  2. Presentation

    14:30 Genesys Masterclasses

  1. 15:30

    15:30 Coffee break

    Make new contacts with visitors of the Service Summit

  1. 16:00
  2. 16:30
    Panel discussion

    Innovative technologies in customer service

    How can AI, machine learning and big data improve efficiency and personalise the customer experience at the same time?

  3. 17:15

    Employee satisfaction as a key factor for customer satisfaction

    Carsten Hilbers, member of the management board of Pluxee Germany and Austria and responsible for the Customer Experience & Care department, explains the direct link between employee and customer satisfaction. He will provide an insight into the concrete economic effects of efficient employee engagement, e.g. on turnover, costs, productivity and recommendations. As part of his presentation, Carsten Hilbers will also present specific measures that can be used to optimise the customer focus of employees and thus positively influence customer satisfaction. 


    16:00 Innovative customer experience at CEWE: GenAI and flexible infrastructure with botario

    In close cooperation with botario, Europe's largest photo service provider CEWE has implemented intelligent bots to future-proof its customer service. The AI-supported chat and phone bots, including human handover, enable seamless integration into various systems such as the ordering software. With versatile plugins, including the uploading of images in the chat, they support numerous communication channels and multiple languages.


    16:30 Future-proof customer support via desk

    ‘Future-proof customer support via Desk’ shows how Zoho Desk helps organisations to make their customer support more efficient and future-proof through automation, AI-powered tools and intuitive workflows. Find out how you can optimise your support processes and increase customer satisfaction in the long term.


    17:00 Huawei Masterclasses

  4. Presentation

    17:15 The invisible assistant: How AI contributes to perfect customer service behind the scenes

    Imagine contacting a customer service centre - and experiencing the best of both worlds: the human touch and the efficiency of state-of-the-art technology. Answers are quick and precise, requests are dealt with personally and at lightning speed. The key? A symbiosis of humans and artificial intelligence that is invisible to the customer.
    In this presentation, Philipp Meier zu Eissen, Sales Manager at VIER, will explain how AI-based assistance systems support people in customer service. Discover how intelligent automation takes over routine tasks while people concentrate on the essentials - personalised customer service. Let us show you how the invisible assistant interacts with the human factor to create the perfect customer experience and shape the future of customer service. Immerse yourself in the world in which man and machine achieve great things together!

  5. Presentation

    17:30 How does a cost centre like customer service become a profit centre?

    How the mindset of corporate billing and budgeting compromises the customer experience. Everyone wants to know what the customer wants, but no one wants to pay for it and when the customer serves it up for free, we don't listen. What happens when you offer service, sales and listening in one product? MAGIC! 

  1. 17:45

    17:45 Service Summit Main Stage Speaker Awards Prizegiving

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.

  1. 18:00

    18:00 Aftershow lounge for all participants

  1. 23:00

    23:00 end of the first day

20th November 2024 Service Summit Day One



The doors open at 8:30 am - so you can start networking over your first coffee or find yourself a good seat



Event opening and welcome from organizers


A story of falling down and getting up again - Why the S.OLIVER GROUP had to rethink its customer service and how it wants to win back what it has lost

The family company has faced a number of challenges in recent years that have severely impacted its customers. With determination, interdisciplinary collaboration and the right technology, the group is fighting its way back bit by bit.


Digital Queue for 100% handled calls in Servicecenters

The digital waiting loop uses behavioural science and offers alternatives to hanging up and redialling for the first time with the optimal IVR dialogue. Callers decide between appointment callbacks, virtual and voluntary waiting. The software (SaaS) thus reduces the costs for availability by up to 85% while improving key figures and measurably increasing customer and employee satisfaction. Only two days of integration. The software requires no IT interface and is compatible with any telephone system and ACD.


Coffee break

Make new contacts with visitors of the Service Summit


Diabolocom Masterclasses

Staff shortages remain a key issue in the contact centre industry, whether it's finding or retaining new talent. But what do you do if you can't find a suitable candidate? In our presentation, we will take a close look at internal processes and show how you can increase the efficiency of your customer service with Diabolocom through innovative automation processes. These automations relieve your team of routine tasks, leaving them more time to focus on what really matters: people. Staff shortages don't have to be an obstacle - with the right measures and automation, you can make your customer service future-proof and more efficient.




Scaling and customer satisfaction in harmony: How Cargoboard expanded its support from 10 to 800 calls per day with Aircall


Huawei Masterclasses

Panel discussion

Expert Panel digitalisation in customer service

Which digital tools do successful customer service leaders use in their companies and how do modern digital processes work?


Customer Service at the highest level - the Freshworks benchmark report reveals the secrets

In today's fast-paced world, where customer expectations are rising and leaders need to do more with less, excellent customer service means staying ahead of trends and adapting quickly. The Freshworks Customer Service Benchmark Report provides key insights into:

- The impact of generative AI on the customer experience
- Key KPIs to evaluate your customer service performance
- How conversational support creates delight
- The best channels for seamless support

If you'd like to see how your organisation compares to industry standards, we'd love to hear from you!


CX in 2027

AI is having a significant impact on shaping the future of CX. In this masterclass, we discuss how this new technology will impact consumers and businesses. We'll also take a look at how AI can enhance the capabilities of agents, administrators, CX leaders and customers. 

Panel discussion

Omni-channel customer service experience

The skilful linking of different communication channels for smooth and consistent interaction with customers. What exciting challenges and opportunities do these channels present?


Sarah Rojewski Sarah Rojewski  

AI in service management

In the field of service management, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in
optimising processes and increasing efficiency. AI-based solutions enable companies to better plan
their field service staff, deploy resources more effectively and improve the quality of the services
provided. In this presentation, we will discuss the benefits, challenges and future prospects of AI-
based technologies that can support companies in optimising deployment and route planning, for


AI in action: practical applications and AI Agent Assist at a glance

In this presentation, we will provide an exciting high-level overview of the latest developments in AI in the field of customer service in recent months, then reveal how we use AI to support our employees in their daily work - and present an impressive use case live. Be curious!


Lunch break


Next-gen AI to enhance customer service experience. What, Why and How?

In this workshop, we will discuss the options enterprises have today for adopting AI in-house versus relying on application vendors and providers. We will explain the underlying technical concepts of AI chat assistants and AI search, and outline the challenges of advancing beyond the prototype stage when implementing these AI applications — especially when the underlying knowledge base is constantly evolving. Lastly, we will show how to overcome these challenges.


Service Summit Startup Awards Part 1

You will see innovative startups presenting their clever new solutions in the costumer service. The best three will receive a Service Summit Startup Award – you decide!


Microsoft Masterclasses


Genesys Masterclasses

Panel discussion

Customer loyalty in customer service

How can outstanding customer loyalty be created? Through digital innovations or through the emotional element in customer service?




Coffee break

Make new contacts with visitors of the Service Summit




Innovative customer experience at CEWE: GenAI and flexible infrastructure with botario

In close cooperation with botario, Europe's largest photo service provider CEWE has implemented intelligent bots to future-proof its customer service. The AI-supported chat and phone bots, including human handover, enable seamless integration into various systems such as the ordering software. With versatile plugins, including the uploading of images in the chat, they support numerous communication channels and multiple languages.

Panel discussion

Innovative technologies in customer service

How can AI, machine learning and big data improve efficiency and personalise the customer experience at the same time?


Future-proof customer support via desk

‘Future-proof customer support via Desk’ shows how Zoho Desk helps organisations to make their customer support more efficient and future-proof through automation, AI-powered tools and intuitive workflows. Find out how you can optimise your support processes and increase customer satisfaction in the long term.


Huawei Masterclasses


Employee satisfaction as a key factor for customer satisfaction

Carsten Hilbers, member of the management board of Pluxee Germany and Austria and responsible for the Customer Experience & Care department, explains the direct link between employee and customer satisfaction. He will provide an insight into the concrete economic effects of efficient employee engagement, e.g. on turnover, costs, productivity and recommendations. As part of his presentation, Carsten Hilbers will also present specific measures that can be used to optimise the customer focus of employees and thus positively influence customer satisfaction. 


The invisible assistant: How AI contributes to perfect customer service behind the scenes

Imagine contacting a customer service centre - and experiencing the best of both worlds: the human touch and the efficiency of state-of-the-art technology. Answers are quick and precise, requests are dealt with personally and at lightning speed. The key? A symbiosis of humans and artificial intelligence that is invisible to the customer.
In this presentation, Philipp Meier zu Eissen, Sales Manager at VIER, will explain how AI-based assistance systems support people in customer service. Discover how intelligent automation takes over routine tasks while people concentrate on the essentials - personalised customer service. Let us show you how the invisible assistant interacts with the human factor to create the perfect customer experience and shape the future of customer service. Immerse yourself in the world in which man and machine achieve great things together!


How does a cost centre like customer service become a profit centre?

How the mindset of corporate billing and budgeting compromises the customer experience. Everyone wants to know what the customer wants, but no one wants to pay for it and when the customer serves it up for free, we don't listen. What happens when you offer service, sales and listening in one product? MAGIC! 


Service Summit Main Stage Speaker Awards Prizegiving

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.


Aftershow lounge for all participants


end of the first day

21st November 2024 Service Summit Day Two

  1. 09:15

    09:15 Entry

    The doors open at 9:30 am - so you can start networking over your first coffee or find yourself a good seat

  1. 10:15
  2. 10:30

    Customer Service - a balance between automation and personalisation

    Learn about Beiersdorf's approach to putting the customer at the centre. From automation to collaboration.

  3. 11:00
    Panel discussion

    The skill of employee management

    How do you maximise employee engagement for an unforgettable customer experience? How can digitalisation help?

  4. 11:45

    Keynote in Vorbereitung

  1. Presentation

    10:30 How can telephone customer service generate sales and save costs at the same time? - Customer Service 2.0

    Why are industry leaders investing in telephone customer service and using intelligent callbacks when, in the age of the internet, orders are placed online and self-service is the gold standard? Why does BigTech use intelligent call-backs in service? How does customer service create a positive business case for sales? Find out how successful companies are turning their customer service into a true profit centre.

  2. Presentation

    10:45 Delight Customers and Drive Service Team Efficiency

    Learn how Slack can optimize the agent experience across systems & processes to help resolve customer issues faster.

  3. Presentation

    11:15 Five9 Masterclasses

  4. Presentation

    11:45 Mastering Generative AI: CX leading the way to Innovation at Scale

    Enterprises striving to scale AI face fragmented initiatives, security risks, and inconsistent standards. As Customer Service leaders, you are ahead of the curve and likely on a journey towards scaling your workforce and value creation with Generative AI already. But what's next? How can we move from experimentation to scale across the organisation? In this workshop, we'll walk through the steps you can (and need to) take to optimise and scale CX today while keeping an eye on standardised processes, security & guardrails for your entire business.

    Attendees will discover how pre-built components and flexible frameworks enable rapid prototyping and faster time-to-market, transforming AI from a scattered initiative into a scalable, cohesive strategy for enterprise-wide innovation.

  1. 12:15

    12:15 Lunch break

  1. 13:45


    - Embracing standardisation and automation as pillars of future customer service excellence
    - Establishing service standards as a foundational element driving multi-year transformation efforts across the contact centre
    - Unlocking human potential by transitioning from traditional methods to AI-driven approaches

  2. 14:15
    Panel discussion

    AI and voice AI in customer service of the future

    How do these technologies influence customer service? What opportunities do they offer and what hurdles need to be overcome? Can self-services and chatbots replace personal customer contact?

  3. 15:15
    Panel discussion

    Complaint management in customer service

    What characterises good complaint management? How can the challenges be overcome and how can new technologies help?

  4. 16:00
  5. 16:30

    Service Summit Main Stage Speaker Awards Prizegiving

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.

  1. Presentation

    13:15 Customer Service from EWE - Interested in RealTalk? With #KiM26 to noticeable Customer satisfaction

    In this masterclass, EWE and Deloitte present how the turnaround was achieved after challenging times in customer service. Thanks to the jointly developed strategic customer service roadmap #KiM26, the first fruits have already been harvested. Look forward to a real experience: practical insights and guaranteed no ‘chatter’!

  2. Presentation

    13:45 The world's largest contact centre project using Vonage, Salesforce and AI for a German global player

    Unveiling the world's largest contact centre project, integrating Vonage's voice solution with Salesforce's Service Cloud Voice solution, for a global manufacturer headquartered in Germany

  3. Presentation

    14:15 Innovative AI features in the Zoom Contact Centre: Redefining efficiency and customer satisfaction

    AI-supported technologies are revolutionising today's contact centres. In our presentation, we will show you how the innovative AI features of the Zoom Contact Centre:
    - increase the efficiency of your team
    - make work easier for your agents
    - take the customer experience to a new level

  4. Presentation

    14:30 Conversational AI in practice: Success stories from the retail and energy sectors

    Conversational AI in the form of phone and chatbots is increasingly becoming an integral part of modern customer service strategies. The full and partial automation of customer enquiries using artificial intelligence offers considerable efficiency gains and helps to increase customer satisfaction, while at the same time reducing the workload on service staff and improving the quality of customer service. In this panel, Saramena Meier-Sauthoff (enercity) and Matthias Quirmbach (OBI), together with panel moderator Ben Ellermann (MUUUH!), will provide practical insights into the successful use of conversational AI in the retail and energy sectors. Find out which processes offer the greatest potential for automation, which industry-specific challenges need to be considered during implementation and how data-driven optimisations ensure the long-term success of Conversational AI projects.


    15:00 Congratulations: your customer-orientation doesn't help at all!

    Customer orientation - a term that companies like to use! But it often remains just fine words. Why is that? Because it's not enough to just listen to the end customer and note down their wishes. It's about looking deeper: What is happening in the market? How can these insights be implemented economically? In this masterclass, you will get to know a perspective in which customer orientation is only the beginning and the result of many small, targeted steps. Find out how you can move from declarations of intent to action and realise the full potential of your customer relationships!


    15:15 Next generation aftersales service: smart technologies as the key to excellent products and maximum customer satisfaction

    At a time when the shortage of skilled labour is putting companies under increasing pressure, the complexity of IT and OT is growing and downtime can quickly lead to financial risk, smart technologies are opening up new ways to make processes more efficient.

    To overcome these challenges and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by smart technologies, Julian Doelfs shows in his masterclass how you can meet your customers' expectations, build long-term relationships and maintain the quality of your products - with a digitally optimised aftersales service. In addition to remote access, augmented reality (AR) opens up new dimensions for interaction between remote specialists and employees on site. And finally, Spatial Computing shows how self-directed training and onboarding can be accelerated through immersive 3D experiences.


    15:45 Sprinklr Masterclasses


    16:15 More than just AI - insights from the everyday life of data-driven service management


    16:45 Service Summit Masterclasses Speaker Awards Prizegiving

    Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.

  1. 17:00

    17:00 For all participants: Afterwork

  1. 18:00

    18:00 End of Service Summit 2024

21st November 2024 Service Summit Day Two



The doors open at 9:30 am - so you can start networking over your first coffee or find yourself a good seat


Masterclasses - SKOPOS




Customer Service - a balance between automation and personalisation

Learn about Beiersdorf's approach to putting the customer at the centre. From automation to collaboration.


How can telephone customer service generate sales and save costs at the same time? - Customer Service 2.0

Why are industry leaders investing in telephone customer service and using intelligent callbacks when, in the age of the internet, orders are placed online and self-service is the gold standard? Why does BigTech use intelligent call-backs in service? How does customer service create a positive business case for sales? Find out how successful companies are turning their customer service into a true profit centre.


Delight Customers and Drive Service Team Efficiency

Learn how Slack can optimize the agent experience across systems & processes to help resolve customer issues faster.

Panel discussion

The skill of employee management

How do you maximise employee engagement for an unforgettable customer experience? How can digitalisation help?


Five9 Masterclasses


Keynote in Vorbereitung


Mastering Generative AI: CX leading the way to Innovation at Scale

Enterprises striving to scale AI face fragmented initiatives, security risks, and inconsistent standards. As Customer Service leaders, you are ahead of the curve and likely on a journey towards scaling your workforce and value creation with Generative AI already. But what's next? How can we move from experimentation to scale across the organisation? In this workshop, we'll walk through the steps you can (and need to) take to optimise and scale CX today while keeping an eye on standardised processes, security & guardrails for your entire business.

Attendees will discover how pre-built components and flexible frameworks enable rapid prototyping and faster time-to-market, transforming AI from a scattered initiative into a scalable, cohesive strategy for enterprise-wide innovation.


Lunch break


Customer Service from EWE - Interested in RealTalk? With #KiM26 to noticeable Customer satisfaction

In this masterclass, EWE and Deloitte present how the turnaround was achieved after challenging times in customer service. Thanks to the jointly developed strategic customer service roadmap #KiM26, the first fruits have already been harvested. Look forward to a real experience: practical insights and guaranteed no ‘chatter’!



- Embracing standardisation and automation as pillars of future customer service excellence
- Establishing service standards as a foundational element driving multi-year transformation efforts across the contact centre
- Unlocking human potential by transitioning from traditional methods to AI-driven approaches


The world's largest contact centre project using Vonage, Salesforce and AI for a German global player

Unveiling the world's largest contact centre project, integrating Vonage's voice solution with Salesforce's Service Cloud Voice solution, for a global manufacturer headquartered in Germany

Panel discussion

AI and voice AI in customer service of the future

How do these technologies influence customer service? What opportunities do they offer and what hurdles need to be overcome? Can self-services and chatbots replace personal customer contact?


Innovative AI features in the Zoom Contact Centre: Redefining efficiency and customer satisfaction

AI-supported technologies are revolutionising today's contact centres. In our presentation, we will show you how the innovative AI features of the Zoom Contact Centre:
- increase the efficiency of your team
- make work easier for your agents
- take the customer experience to a new level


Conversational AI in practice: Success stories from the retail and energy sectors

Conversational AI in the form of phone and chatbots is increasingly becoming an integral part of modern customer service strategies. The full and partial automation of customer enquiries using artificial intelligence offers considerable efficiency gains and helps to increase customer satisfaction, while at the same time reducing the workload on service staff and improving the quality of customer service. In this panel, Saramena Meier-Sauthoff (enercity) and Matthias Quirmbach (OBI), together with panel moderator Ben Ellermann (MUUUH!), will provide practical insights into the successful use of conversational AI in the retail and energy sectors. Find out which processes offer the greatest potential for automation, which industry-specific challenges need to be considered during implementation and how data-driven optimisations ensure the long-term success of Conversational AI projects.


Congratulations: your customer-orientation doesn't help at all!

Customer orientation - a term that companies like to use! But it often remains just fine words. Why is that? Because it's not enough to just listen to the end customer and note down their wishes. It's about looking deeper: What is happening in the market? How can these insights be implemented economically? In this masterclass, you will get to know a perspective in which customer orientation is only the beginning and the result of many small, targeted steps. Find out how you can move from declarations of intent to action and realise the full potential of your customer relationships!

Panel discussion

Complaint management in customer service

What characterises good complaint management? How can the challenges be overcome and how can new technologies help?


Next generation aftersales service: smart technologies as the key to excellent products and maximum customer satisfaction

At a time when the shortage of skilled labour is putting companies under increasing pressure, the complexity of IT and OT is growing and downtime can quickly lead to financial risk, smart technologies are opening up new ways to make processes more efficient.

To overcome these challenges and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by smart technologies, Julian Doelfs shows in his masterclass how you can meet your customers' expectations, build long-term relationships and maintain the quality of your products - with a digitally optimised aftersales service. In addition to remote access, augmented reality (AR) opens up new dimensions for interaction between remote specialists and employees on site. And finally, Spatial Computing shows how self-directed training and onboarding can be accelerated through immersive 3D experiences.


Sprinklr Masterclasses




More than just AI - insights from the everyday life of data-driven service management


Service Summit Main Stage Speaker Awards Prizegiving

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.


Service Summit Masterclasses Speaker Awards Prizegiving

Using our app, every attendee at the event has the chance to vote for the best speaker over the course of the day. The 3 with the most votes will be awarded a Service Summit Speaker Award.


For all participants: Afterwork


End of Service Summit 2024